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Wholesale CAT

helps you create special discounted tags for each wholesale customers group. As well as set an order minimum amount or a minimum order quantity. Discounted tags can mix and in this case app has an option for you to choose what discount you would like to apply, the smallest or the largest. Set up assistant will take you step by step though the setting and testing process. And just like that you can start your wholesale business!

Application Main Plan


  • Unlimited wholesale discount tags
  • Cart limits

Wholesale setting and using

Create wholesale tags

1. Go to the "Wholesale tag" tab
2. Click "Create wholesale tag"
3. Fill all the fields

  • Name of the tag must match the customers group tag, whom you are creating this discount for
  • Value of the discount that you'd like these customers to get
  • Apply this tag to all the products/collections or specific products/collections in your store
  • Serch for required items by name or open dropdown list with the "Browse" button

4. Click "Create"

Set cart limits
*Optional wholesale tag settings, which adjust cart limits for customers to whom the wholesale discount is available.

1. Minimum value is an amount that must be reached in the customer's cart
2. Minimum total items is a products quantity that customer must add into the cart

Choose dominant discount

1. Go to the "Settings" tab
2. Find "In case of crossing discounts, apply the smallest one", where the word smallest is a switcher that can be changed to the largest
3. Choose the most preferable variant

Disable or delete tags

1. Go to the "Wholesale tag" tab
2. Find required tag in the list below or use "Serch"
3. Open the tag

  • Click "Disable" to switch off the discount for this group
  • Click "Delete" to remove this group tag


In order to make this tags work you need to customize the following things:

1. Checkout.
You need to enable customers accounts in the Shopify settings in order to make sure that only logged in customers could proceed with the checkout.
2. Customers tags.
You need to group your customers under certain tags and make sure that customers tags and wholesale tag are matching the way you want to provide the discounts.

Tags status

Disabled - discounted tag was disabled and customers with the similar tag cannot see discounts that you set under this tag
Active - discounted tag is enabled and customers with the similar tag can purchase products with the discount that you set under this tag

App installation and removal

Please disable all similar applications before use.


Install the application from Shopify App Store by clicking "Add app". After completing these steps, our application is ready to work.


During installation app automatically integrate into the store theme without additional setting or coding. The same process will be applied when you change the theme. Intergration into a new theme will be made without any manual actions.


In order to remove the App from your store all you need to do is click "Apps" tab in your store Admin, find our App and click "Delete"

If all App code pieces also need to be deleted from your store theme you can use Manual removal.

Contacts, regulations and Support working hours

Email Addresses:
Live Chat
Contact modal
Phone: 1-877-769-6919

Monday to Friday from 6:00 am to 3:00 pm GMT+0 London.
Chat and email: response time up to 2 day

public/apps/wholesale.txt · Last modified: 13.03.22 в 03:17 by Дария Тяжлова