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Manual installation

1. Add a snippet "simple-preorder-bootstrap.liquid" with code:

    // Bootstrap for Simple Preorder app
    var SimplePreorderBootstrap = {
        "page": {{ template | json }},
        "product": {
            "id": {{ | json }},
            "title": {{ product.title | json }},
            "variants": [
                {% for variant in product.variants %}
                        "id": {{}},
                        "inventory_quantity": '{{variant.inventory_quantity}}',
                        "inventory_management": '{{variant.inventory_management}}',
                        "inventory_policy": '{{variant.inventory_policy}}'
                {% endfor %}
        "cart": {
            "items": [
                {% for item in cart.items %}
                        "variant_id": {{}},
                        "product_id": {{}},
                        "quantity": {{item.quantity}},
                        "inventory_quantity": '{{item.variant.inventory_quantity}}',
                        "inventory_management": '{{item.variant.inventory_management}}',
                        "inventory_policy": '{{item.variant.inventory_policy}}'
                {% endfor %}
        // "productSelector": 'form[action="/cart/add"] [type="submit"]',
        // "variantsSelector": 'form[action="/cart"] .variants-selector',
        // "checkoutSelector": 'form[action="/cart"] [type="submit"][name="checkout"]',
        // "updateSelector": 'form[action="/cart"] [type="submit"][name="update"]',
        // "updateInputsSelector": 'form[action="/cart"] [name^="updates["]',
        // "debug": true,

2. In the product template "product.liquid" add the code to connect the snippet:

<!-- Snippet for Simple Preorder app -->
{% include 'simple-preorder-bootstrap' %}

3. In the cart template "cart.liquid" add the code to connect the snippet:

<!-- Snippet for Simple Preorder app -->
{% include 'simple-preorder-bootstrap' %}

4. (Not mandatory) In the snippet adjust the selectors for following buttons:

  • productSelector — add to cart button
  • variantsSelector — list of variants
  • checkoutSelector — checkout button in cart
  • updateSelector — update cart button

If this does not work, please write to

public/apps/preorder/manual_installation.1542878456.txt.gz · Last modified: 22.11.18 в 12:20 by