====== Manual installation ====== 1. Add a snippet //"simple-preorder-bootstrap.liquid"// with next code: > **Important:** At the very bottom of the snippet in the last line, replace the text "NAME-OF-YOUR-SHOP" with the address of your store from the address bar of the browser when you are in the admin area of the store (like "//**simple-pre-order-demo-shop**//.myshopify.com", and not, for example, "spo-demo.shop"). 2. In the theme template //"theme.liquid"// right before the closing tag "" add the code to connect the snippet: {% include 'simple-preorder-bootstrap' %} 3. (Not mandatory) In the snippet adjust the selectors for following buttons: * productSelector — add to cart button * variantsSelector — list of variants * checkoutSelector — checkout button in cart * updateSelector — update cart button If this does not work, please write to [[support@kad.systems]]